Thursday, September 21, 2023

thursday 21

thursday 21



.yesterday's events: college campus 






. on an island, dancing around, picking up little spots from the ground as i go around, 

this indicates i'm not coming back, 

end dream 



.a - on an island                             b - dancing around 

c - picking up little spot parts of the ground 






. riding in the back right of a vehicle, mother is driving, brother is in the front seat, i'm 

falling asleep, vehicle goes under a large blue bridge, this indicates we've just entered 

into the state of oregon, ocean on the right, 


.i'm gonna get out and skateboard somewhere here, up ahead it's real windy and rainy, 

maybe i won't be able to skate, the vehicle keeps running over these poles wrapped in 

cloth in the middle of the road, some people are walking in the wind and rain up ahead, 


.standing around a table with mother and brother, this is the customs check point, there 

didn't used to be a customs check point here, the customs guy is on my right, entrance to 

a dark tunnel up ahead, 


.mother hands me two napkins, one is white, the other napkin is from KFC with red and 

white squares on it and a picture of the colonel, 


.the customs guy wants me to write all my info on the KFC napkin, i start to write my name, 

difficult to write on the napkin, i have to use both hands, there's a bunch of other 

info that needs to be filled out on the napkin, something about a pool as well, 

end dream 



.a - blue bridge                                 b - oregon 

c - ocean                                           d - pipes with cloth in road 

e - wind and rain                               f - people 


g - entrance to dark tunnel                h - customs table 

i - me                                                 j - male customs officer 

k - brother                                         l - mother 

m - KFC napkin 




.image below: blue bridge detail 





.image below: KFC napkin detail 















.wake up


.park workout 







.        3        23         2353523        2       52       5       32552      35       235     




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