Friday, September 22, 2023

friday 22

friday 22



.yesterday's events: milk 






. foot steps, hallowed ground, 

end dream 





. walking in a kind of passageway with friend (k.r) and perhaps one other person, everyone 

stops and dies, i get up and turn around, go back the way we came, friend (k.r) keeps going 



.i exit the passageway area, outside, on a high concrete platform, step down, in a fenced 

in yard, most of the grass is mowed except in one little area where the grass is much taller, 


.something is making noise and catches my attention, a snake is chasing after a little mouse, 

then the snake notices another slower moving little mouse behind it, the snake changes 

directions to go after the other mouse, this is a trap set up by the mice, 


.the two mice then attack the snake, the snake coils up, one mouse is a the snake's head, the 

other mouse is at the snake's tail, the snake and mice wrestle around for awhile, finally 

the mice manage to decapitate the snake, the snake's head falls to the ground, 

end dream 



.a - passageway                                 b - everyone dies 

c - friend (k.r)                                    d - me 

e - doors                                             f - concrete platform outside 

g - mowed grass in fenced in yard 


h - taller grass                                     i - snake 

j - small mouse                                   k - another small mouse 

l - mice and snake in battle                 m - snake's head 




.image below: snake and mice dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: fenced in yard detail 





.image below: mice and snake detail 












. looking into a car dealership, homeless lady and car salesman, the salesman is sitting at a 

computer, homeless lady is standing over him, vehicle movement in the window, the 

car salesman has called a taxi for the homeless lady, 


.homeless lady bends over and looks at the computer screen, 

'they don't need that much detail' she says, 


.<<begin sexual content warning>>


.the salesman says that he'll arrange four dicks for the homeless lady to fuck, 

'why not five' she responds, 'i'm a big girl' she responds and pats her stomach, 

homeless lady is wearing a tight blue sweater, 


.'why don't we make them big dicks' says the salesman, 'we can do that' he says, 


.<<end sexual content warning>>


.end dream 



.a - car dealership                         b - window 

c - vehicle movement                   d - car salesman at computer 

e - homeless lady 





.wake up






.tofu sausage 



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