Monday, September 18, 2023

monday 18

 monday 18



.yesterday's events: milk 






. in my bed from elementary school, a lady comes into my room and lays down next to me, 

then she gets out from my bed and lies down on the floor, lady is very fat, end scene, 


.in a cave, i grab two little hands, floating up, come to a kind of intersection, on the 

left is a large open space, floor is far below, two guys are floating and locked in a 

kind of battle grasp, on the right is an attic space, 


.i go right into the attic space, oklahoma, someone says, walk over to a statue of a dog, 

drop a book on the floor, on the back of the dog statue are some artifacts, one is a 

black kimono robe, two wire brushes, i pick up one wire brush and begin to 

brush the back of the small black kimono, 


.some people enter the room, i continue to brush the back of the small black kimono, 

end scene, 


.at the water's edge in a large city in china, lady and a guy, the guy is some kind of 

big shot banker, guy says that the lady might have a hard time with how food is 

prepared here, 


.some other guy is kneeling by a small table, rice with fish on top, more fish is put on top 

of the rice, the guy picks up the rice and fish, underneath is some fish skin with the 

scales still on it, the guy peels off the fish scales and gives it to some chickens on 

the left, guy then eats the fish and rice, 

end dream 



.a - me in bed                                 b - bedroom door 

c - fat lady                                      d - cave 

e - large open space                        f - attic 


g - dog statue                                  h - book 

i - small black kimono                    j - me with wire brush 

k - group of people                         l - guy and fish and rice 

m - fish scales given to chickens 




.image below: dog statue in attic detail 





.image below: fish and rice detail 







. moving, turn right, drop something off, may be food, coming back to where i was but 

this time in a straight line, stop where i dropped the thing off, looking at the package, 

end dream 



.a - right turn 

b - drop something off 

c - come back to where i was 














.wake up


.run outside, hospital loop, short track 




.toilet paper, fruit juice 



.      3         13          1383813         1        81       8       38113       83        138    




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