Friday, September 15, 2023

friday, 15

 friday, 15


.yesterday's events: squirrels, crows and seagull in the park 












.dream: stopped on a dirt road, i've been driving a white suburban from the back seat, almost 

home, stopped the car for a break, i go around to back of vehicle, get some coffee, old 

dark coffee in plastic jug, i take a sip, 


.another plastic jug of newer fresher coffee, this coffee has milk and sugar in it, drink some of 

the fresher coffee as well, almost home, just need to turn into the driveway and go down the 

hill, enter into the front seat of the white suburban, i was driving the whole way here from 

the back seat, now i'll finish up the trip in the front seat, 


.get into front seat, vehicle moving, i don't even need to turn on the engine, coast down 

the hill and come to a stop, some sticks were set up so i couldn't drive the vehicle 

any further, 

end scene, 


.in house from elementary school, living room, clock on wall, brother in room, he's trying 

to get the clock to work, clock starts to spin then clock starts spinning backwards, i go 

around to kitchen area, some scientist guy isn't pleased with the clock, says it was 

designed by a geologist, clock seems to be working though, just in a non-standard way, 

end dream



.a - white suburban                                 b - coffee in back of 'a' 

c - driveway, down hill                           d - house 

e - brother and clock on wall                   f - me near kitchen 

g - scientist guy 




.image below: plastic jugs of coffee detail 





.image below: clock spinning backwards detail 






.dream: women and their dogs, end scene, 


.in friend's house, n.s, he has my skateboard and puts it into a vehicle, n.s didn't even ride 

his board at all, i'm in a side room, consider going up stairs to jerk off, looking out the window, 


.dog poop all over the driveway outside, a little dog runs up to the window and looks at me 

with black round eyes, sheep and a pond behind a fence, 

end scene, 


.now i'm walking around outside the house, lady standing by door, she's wearing a copper 

colored jacket and copper leggings with short gold shorts over the copper leggings, 


.i approach lady, grab her by the waist, we both fall to the ground, i'm lying on my back on 

the ground, lady is lying on her back on top of me, i have my hands on her torso, i begin 

to cry, lady starts laughing, 

end dream



.a - women and their dogs                         b - friend's house, n.s 

c - n.s                                                         d - me 

e - driveway                                                f - small dog 

g - sheep and pond behind fence                 h - me and lady on ground 




.image below: poop all over driveway and little dog detail 





.image below: lady and her copper and gold outfit detail 






.wake up


.ultimate cleaning lady, fully equipped to tackle dirt and grime 












.wake up




.young woman, drinking a cool and refreshing lemonade beverage 



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