Sunday, September 3, 2023




.have returned 2 apartment, recovering from a savage manic event  . . .


. Mail box key 📰 needs adjustment,  preparing for a great 😒 disappointment or

.a great 😲 surprise . . .  If disappointment, the 🗺 world may never know 


.... if surprise 😲 the world just may know . . . .


. . . the three 3⃣ above images come 🐸 from the three ✉ main online drawing tools 


.sketchpad, kleki and autodraw, there 🎯 are 🎨  of course others 🎭 that can be used as well . . online ... . . .



.44. 14.   717.    89798.    🕢   67.   💯   173.     






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