Monday, September 25, 2023

monday 25

monday 25



.yesterday's events: ice cream 






. lying down, everything i do is being recorded and makes money, i take out a little piece of 

cardboard from my pocket, red in color, cardboard piece is from a crest toothpaste box, 

there's another piece of the toothpaste box in my pocket that is blue, 

end scene, 


.in a math classroom, teacher (l.y) comes up me and is telling me something, teacher has 

a clipboard with some white paper on it, teacher has drawn on the paper, looks like some 

kind of ventilation diagram where all the components are on fire, 

end dream 



.a - me 

b - piece of toothpaste box, blue, in my pocket

c - piece of toothpaste box, red

d - me in math class                                 e - teacher 

f - clipboard with drawing                        g - drawing detail 






. in a lower basement area of my apartment building, some women are getting into an elevator 

and want me to join them, all these ladies want to do is party and i do not join them, women 

get in elevator, elevator ascends, i go over to stairs and walk up to lobby area, 


.apartment manager (c.a) meets me and directs my attention to some newspaper clipping like 

images on the wall, one is of a lady i went to high school with (e.b) and the seafood 

restaurant street stand she runs with some other people, e.b has pink hair, 


.i look over to the right, another image, old folks having a social gathering in an 

old folks home, lots of elderly women socializing, in the corner by the door is 

the musician usher, 

end dream 



.a - basement area                                 b - me

c - elevator                                            d - women 

e - lobby                                                f - main door 


g - rec door door                                   h - apartment manager 

i - imagery on wall                                j - seafood restaurant street stand 

k - old folks social gathering                 l - usher 




.image below: elevator scene detail 





.image below: imagery on wall detail 















.wake up


.wet floor sign in the elevator 







.      5         15          1575175         1          71          7          57115        75       157     




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