Tuesday, September 26, 2023

tuesday 26

tuesday 26



.yesterday's events: laundry 






. in the white house, i've just finished something and come down from a stage, i 

throw an empty white box up on the stage, everyone starts to clap, 

end dream 



.a - stage in the white house 

b - me 

c - large empty white box 






. mother driving, don't remember, end scene, 


.in a vehicle, mother's husband driving, coming towards the back entrance of a 

large department store, couches on the tops of hills on the right, back of department 

store, talking with mother's husband, a bunch of guys i went to high school with enter 

into the store, 


.in the store, back room, other room, i start to do pull ups, then i start doing muscle ups, 

never done muscle ups before, feels good to finally be doing them, then do some 

more pull ups, i come down from the bar, 


.one guy tries to do muscle up but can't, i tell him not to worry, i've been working out 

for years and just finally did my first muscle ups, 


.another guy attempts to do some muscle ups, he's trying real hard to pull himself up 

with his elbows, another guy is pushing down on his neck, finally the guy gets up on the 

bar, his arms will be sore tomorrow, end scene, 


.lady (a.t) and guy (g.e) having sex on a bed, after they finish g.e explains what it's like 

for him to have sex, 

end dream 



.a - mother driving, don't remember 

b - mother's husband driving 

c - couches on hills                                 d - talking with mother's husband 


e - guys enter store                                  f - back room 

g - doing muscle ups                               h - other guy does a muscle up

i - people having sex 




.image below: me doing muscle ups detail 







. back of my right hand, someone has indicated the area between my index and middle 

knuckles and has labeled this region as 'A', then i'm asked how many digits remain on 

my right hand, 


.from the starting A position i count each ridge and depression across my knuckles 

and even count the area off my hand, this gives me the number six which i 

report to the person, end scene, 


.lying in grass outside my apartments, a military guy with two small dogs approaches, the 

smallest dog starts sniffing the back of my right hand and moves away, i pick up some 

blades of grass and a dandelion plant leaf from the ground and chew on these plants for a bit, 


.then i throw the plants behind me to see if the dogs can recognize my scent and find 

the leaves i was chewing on, the two small dogs seem confused and come up and 

sit by me as if to learn from me, 


.i pick another dandelion plant leaf from the ground and hold it in front of the small dog's 

nose, the dog seems to process the plant's scent, pungent odor, then i pick several 

blades of grass, the grass blades don't really have an odor, at least not one i can smell, 

end scene, 


.in the hall outside my apartment, some neighbors just had a party and are headed towards the 

trash chute, i'm carrying my computer in a backpack and set it down, 


.go around into large central area, want to get my computer back, some guy is at some 

kind of new electrical panel on the wall, i rip the panel off the wall and pull on it, its connected 

by a single wire, then i move back towards the wall and spin the box as i'm moving so 

that the wire gets wrapped around the box, 


.reach the wall, ear buds, i'd really like to get my computer back, go over to some 

guy in a race car video game arcade machine, guy says that the salvation army may 

have my computer, 


.i go around the wall to the lost and found area of the salvation army, the guy 

there does indeed have my computer and gives it to me, different bag, i still need 

the charger and other items i had, guy gives me a backpack, two liter bottle of 

root beer in backpack, root beer starts to leak, 

end dream 



.a - back of my right hand 

b - me                                             c - military guy 

d - smallest dog                              e - small dog 


f - grass                                           g - pick leaf 

h - pick grass                                   i - trash chute 

j - neighbors                                     k - put computer down 


l - guy and new electrical panel 

m - me                                              n - spinning panel

o - looking for computer                  p - salvation army area 




.image below: dogs and plants scene detail 





.image below: two small dogs and plants detail 





.image below: electrical box and wire detail 







.                https://dddurb5r.wordpress.com/2023/09/26/dream-26-sep-2023/




.                https://dddurbfive.wixsite.com/dddurb5w/post/dream-26-sep-2023




.wake up


.park workout 







.       7          37           3797937         3           93          9       73997        97       379     




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