Saturday, September 23, 2023

saturday 23

saturday 23



.yesterday's events: tofu sausage 






. two longs straws extend far out from the sides of my head, like the sides of a pair of glasses 

but the straws keep going far out beyond my field of vision, i try and find out what's 

at the end of the straws, pass by one compartment, then another, then a guy at the final 

compartment hands me a white wooden bucket, 


.this guy was in the last compartment, which was a beach and the white wooden 

bucket, which has a brown bottom, is filled with sea water, apparently this bucket is was 

what at the end of the two straws, 


.i drink water from the bucket, salty, this water seems to be from the mediterranean, 

end scene, 


.a pot for plants, this large pot is made up of several smaller pots, end scene, 


.riding in a vehicle with brother, friend (n.s) is driving, driving through an overgrown 

garden, several raised beds with all the produce overflowing out from the bins, there's a 

dog somewhere in this garden, vehicle stops, me and brother get out, 


.brother goes into a house, i pick up some pizzas and go into the house as well, brother 

is in the house eating pizza, thin crust pizza, brother is talking about his education, 

he's in a fishing program, just took his first fishing test, says he wants to be a consultant 

for a fishing boat, brother stops talking, he is low on energy and really needs to eat, 

end scene, 


.downhill movement, ledge on the right, a young girl asks me if we can stay inside today, 

'probably not' i reply, 

end dream 



.a - me                                     b - two long straws coming off my head

c - different area compartments 

d - guy in last compartment (beach) 


e - mediterranean sea             f - white wooden bucket with sea water 

g - large pot                            h - vehicle 

i - overgrown garden              j - dog 


k - vehicle stops                      l - pizza 

m - brother in kitchen             n - thin crust pizza 

o - me                                      p - movement down hill 

q - ledge on right 




.image below: two long straws and mediterranean scene detail 





.image below: white wooden bucket detail 





.image below: overgrown garden scene detail 





.image below: thin crust pizza detail 















.wake up


.corner store 







.     4          24           2484284         2         82        8        48224         84         248     




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