Thursday, September 7, 2023




🌼 daily events ..... skateboard .......


.veggie salad πŸ₯— 


πŸ“± small field mouse πŸ–± ⛰ .


🍰 short poem.


.field mouse, oh ⛽ field mouse 🌾, 🐳 what is it 🧘‍♂️ you say . . .


.not a squeak, nor a whisper, nor a slighest of peep . . . 


.only movement of lightness, just a flicker of fur,  that is subtle grey. . 


.oh field mouse what is it, that catches your eye .... 


.must be the red cherry tomato, of equivalent size . 


.end short poem

.note. the small red cherry tomato is as big as the field mouse, end note 


.3.    73.    4373.     173.      




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