Tuesday, September 3, 2024

tuesday 03

tuesday 03





.dreams: ABC



.A - raft in the river, dinosaur dad on raft on the left, large alligator on raft on right, some river 

animal keeps jumping up between the two creatures on the raft and then diving back into the river, 

end scene, 


.the raft falls down a steep mountain and goes underground, a dinosaur emerges out from the 

underground magma, end dream 





.B - at a computer, language test, multiple choice, only three minutes left, computer on 

my right is a bit faster on the clock, eight twenty seven, last question has 'spring' or 

'rixie' as options, end scene, 


.come down some stairs, lady behind counter, part time job, has to be at least five hours a 

day, it's almost six o'clock, i'd have no time for homework, i decline the position, lady 

says i volunteered for an hour a week, the weekly requirement is twenty one hours, i 

go around counter and into other room, 


.in other room, some lady has made a bed for me, she sleeps here as well, i go to computer, 

plug something in, two sockets in outlet under table, i put a quarter behind other socket, 

end scene, 


.in a laundry room, wash machine has a remote controller to operate it, number is six five 

zero one, small white remote, i show some guy the number, go back to washer, some 

guy has two yellow disc like objects set up and is doing some king of magnet experiment, i 

move along, 


.in a back room, a guy sits down at a computer, i go back out into laundry room, walk 

past same guy at a computer, he seems to be playing the game 'tekken', i walk between him and 

computer and go into another room, 


.some lady is concerned that i said something about 'palestinian thieves', i don't remember saying 

anything like that, lady is now a tall old man, some other guy moves between us and is 

talking loud, i move past him to the tall guy, end dream 



.a - i come down stairs                     b - part time job lady behind counter 

c - me in bedroom at computer        d - beds and lady 


e - socket under table, quarter          f - laundry machines 

g - magnet experiment                      h - guy 


i - guy at computer                            j - same guy at computer 

k - me in back room                          l - lady 

m - lady becomes a tall old guy         n - a shorter loud old guy gets in my way 



.quarter in socket, magnet experiment 





.C - kid on a bunk bed, mother below, a teenage girl lays down on a bed, her boyfriend gets 

on top of her, they're about to have sex, girl takes off her coat, her nipples squirt milk everywhere, 

two chaperones appear, the chaperones tie up the guy and girl in blue ropes to 

prevent them from having sex, end scene, 


.i run into a room, loop around, leaving, chinese guy at a computer, '很好' (hen hao) <very good>, 

he says, i said i'd be right back, i leave room, 


.go down hallway, two guys from the VA are about to watch a movie, it's almost two o'clock, 

i go into room, ask the one guy to sign something for me before they start the movie, guy 

looks at the wrist band i gave him, signs it, gives it back, i leave the room, i'm carrying some 

kind of poster board with a bunch of cans and signs posted on it, 


.on poster board, large container of fluid on top left, coors beer can in middle top, other signs 

and posters elsewhere, end scene, 


.riding a two wheeled skateboard just off the main road, a silver van drives be on the asphalt, 

drives by again, i ride the board on a curved part of the curb, end dream





.a - kid on top bunk                     b - kid's mom 

c - me                                           d - teens in bed 


e - chinese guy at computer 

f - VA guys in room                      g - me with poster board 


h - me on two wheeled skateboard 

i - silver van                                 j - curved curb 


.note: main road on right in image, some house in the back on the left 



.poster board with cans 







.nap dream - white horse, end dream 





.wake up








.   6      26       2686826        2        82         8      66282      68       286     





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