Sunday, September 1, 2024

sunday 01

sunday 01





.dreams: ABCD 



.A - on a submarine, berthing area, holding some berries i picked on board the sub, i look up the 

berries in a text book, 'kekler' berries they're called, i picked the black ones on board, the text 

book shows red ones and black ones, 


.farther down in berthing a guy rubs apple butter on his nose, helps to smooth out his skin, 

end dream 




.B - i'm in a sitcom tv show, sitting at a table, right hand touches some guy, left foot touches 

another guy, i pull my foot away, end scene, 


.in my apartment, trying to clean up the kitchen, old food, knock on door, some guy is 

delivering a tv, i don't need one, go gives tv to some lady down the hall, i go back into 

kitchen, cook the old food, 


.sitting at a table now, two people, we're eating, lady says she dreamed about this food, i'm still 

hungry, go over to counter, lots of bread, going back to table, end dream 



.pan of old food and boiling water 



.C - in a hotel room by the sea, by the wall, purple shadow of some orchid flowers, shadow changes, 

some nuclear event may have occurred, i recommend opening the window or door, i get up, shadow 

goes away, i need to go back to the shadow, 


.lady in bed in middle of room, i loop around her, go to wall, some lady is trapped the wall, i help to 

lift her out, ask to examine her chest, no boobs, scars, double mastectomy, she's exhausted, needs to 

sit down, i have her sit on my lap, end scene, 


.outside, a lady is having her buttocks and genitalia inspected, she's apprehensive, finally she 

drops her pants and spreads her butt checks, healthy, another lady is up for inspection, her 

pussy and asshole are a bit worn out, she's likely given birth at least once, end dream 



.purple orchid shadow 




.D - in a house, a guy wants his daughter to go check out the phone box and find out where the 

emergency button is, i go with her, we go through garage, enter into different room, 


.phone box on the right, emergency button is on top, girl goes over to the kitchen area, messy, she 

starts to tidy up a bit, crackers, i put them in the cracker drawer above, 'almost full' she says, 

not really, still room for more crackers, 


.i go over to table, sit down, refrigerator is open, bill gates enters the space and puts one or two 

subway sandwiches, wrapped in white deli paper, into the fridge, shuts fridge, 


.'maybe there should be a unicorn sticker or something on those' i say, 'for people of 

financial significance' i say, bill gates gives me a funny look, 'sometimes i can 

be rude' i say, 


.i grab a small piece of celery from a bag of sugar snap peas, start to eat peas, n.s is on 

my left and eating peas from the bag as well, bill gates bites into one of his sandwiches, 

opens it up and shows me the middle, his sandwich is filled with green sugar snap peas, 

bill gates grabs a pea from the bag and eats it, end dream 



.phone box with emergency button, bag of peas and pea sandwich 


.wake up
.run outside, two notebooks 




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