Friday, September 6, 2024

friday 06

friday 06





.dreams: ABC


.A - in a room, korean lady on my left, korean guy on my right, the lady is talking, the guy 

leaves the room, end scene, 


.on a ferry boat, go over to gates mcfadden, the actress who played dr beverly crusher on 

star trek, someone says she made a lot of money, she responds by saying she spent a lot of 

money, end scene, 


.in a van in hawaii, riding in back, driving on a road, view of water on the left, a firemen's 

boat is in the water, large group of divers sitting on the beach, the divers are from china, 


.a door opens up in the van, someone in the back is talking to the doc in the front right, 

the doc says a hurricane is coming on friday, end dream 



.a - me                     b - guy who leaves                     c - lady talking 

d - ferry boat scene                 e - fireman boat                     f - chinese divers 

g - van on road in hawaii                     h - doc (d.w) in vac 



.hawaii scene 



.B - refer to wordpress 










.C - enter into apartment building, maintenance guy has c.e's skateboard, bigger wheels than 

mine, my wheels are white and smaller, c.e's wheels are grey and bigger, maintenance guy wants 

to merge the two boards, not working, 


.i'm at a table now with some skateboard parts, lady comes in, reminds me of c.l, 


.by a door now, a doctor is present, i say c.e had a flipper foot, that's why he could do such 

crazy skate tricks, doc examines my foot, end scene, 


.in a kitchen area, a guy is delivering a bag of corn chips, puts them in high cabinet, end scene, 


.in a house, shrimp, guy comes to door, tells mother he wants our shirmp, i take two shrimp and 

go to back kitchen counter, guy takes bag of shrimp, end scene, 


.house for rent by the park, walking with a lady in park, lady in front, i pass lady, lady behind, 

i cross the road, four cars go by before i can cross, enter garage of apartments, renovations, 

i jump up on a ledge, 'takes a lot of energy getting here' a guy says, end dream 



.a - maintenance guy with c.e's skateboard 

b - me at table, skateboard parts                 c - lady like c.l 


d - doc examining my leg by door              e - corn chips 

f - shrimp guy                                             g - mother 


h - me                                                          i - house for rent 

j - path in park                                             k - cross street 

l - parking garage 



.corn chips and shrimp 


.jumping up on ledge in parking garage, true color approximation 


.wake up







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