Saturday, September 7, 2024

saturday 07

saturday 07




.dreams: ABCDE 



.A - at a table, c.h on my right, her leg touches the outside of my right thigh, k.s walks away, 

a.l on my left, i ask her about c.r, she's singing, 


.i'm making a sandwich, the third of four example sandwiches, end dream 



.a - the third of four example sandwiches     

b - front part, alternating meat and bread


c - middle piece, thick part of bread, three pieces of meat 

d - end bread piece 




.B - refer to wordpress 








.C - in a room, screens on three wall, i go over to only wall without a screen, calendar here, 

donkey animal, go over to a lady, take off her pants, she poops in her pants, shit dripping 

down her right leg, go over to other wall, 


.b.o appears, says she's left me three hundred ten dollars but her finances are not yet in order, i 

thank her, blue eyed finance guy appears, i trip him, he's now a figure on a table, i go back over 

to check on lady who pooped her pants, she's talking with someone by the fireplace, end dream 



.a - wall with no screens, calendar             b - entry into home 

c - donkey animal                                 d - lady who poops her pants 


e - b.o                                                 f - finance guy arrives 

g - i tackle finance guy, he becomes a figure on table 

h - check on lady who pooped her pants 



.room with screens on walls 



.calendar wall and lady with shit on right leg 




.finance guy becomes figurine on table 





.D - on a couch, a lady on the left greets me in arabic, i reply, lady leaves, polynesian guy comes 

over, bag of walnuts, end scene, 


.peeling an orange, throwing the peels in the toilet, i leave bathroom, wearing rugs and blankets, 

end dream 



.a - me on couch                     b - lady who greets me in arabic 

c - polynesian guy                   d - orange peels in toilet 

e - me with blankets and rugs on body 


. peels in toilet 




.E - playing volleyball, i suck, i leave, stroller in hall, my bike has fallen over, end dream 



.a - me on volleyball court             b - volleyball partner 

c - stroller in hall                            d - my bike fell down 

e - door to outside 





.wake up







.  8      48      4898948       4        94        9      44898      98      984    




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