Tuesday, September 17, 2024

sep 17 2024

 ,..cleaning up, smelly, loud, ugly , .active, ,.caring.. ,.//<ROBOT_INTERFERENCE>n/nitcirtser_ _ tnemilpmoC>.. ,... .., . dreams, cl


.dreams forgotten:   3.5, brain, left side middle ... six seven whatever, end dream 

. √.


.dream: bird man pushups ..




.a - bird man doing pushups ....... b - rip breaker comes in, breaks bird man's ribs 

c - someone spits out a heart, creates more space 

d - me not caring (kinda),       e - don't remember, new space creates by heart pass 

.f - hospital behind me is full, people entering ......... g - class in front of me, i'm facing the class 




.dream: quick shot practice .....c_b_low_r/uo\f_labels. 




.a - hallway    ..... b - hall door to my room 

c - halldoor to neighbor's room ..... d - me in my room 


.e - window between rooms     ...... f - neighbor 

g - quick shot direction .   ,....     score board .








.     2     32      3223      23     2232     3     223.  /





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