Sunday, September 22, 2024

sun 22 sep

 .sunday 22 september 9:12 AM PST , 09:12, 


.returned from cross county skateboard trip, all is well



.Ramerica, Mmмmmm, م م م ، م،.   ...م. m 



Friday, September 20, 2024

Sun 😎 sep 🐸


.Cross county skateboard 🛹 😁 trip, uncle 😎 on my mind 

. ,end, .end

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

sep 17 2024

 , up, smelly, loud, ugly , .active, ,.caring.. ,.//<ROBOT_INTERFERENCE>n/nitcirtser_ _ tnemilpmoC>.. ,... .., . dreams, cl


.dreams forgotten:   3.5, brain, left side middle ... six seven whatever, end dream 

. √.


.dream: bird man pushups ..




.a - bird man doing pushups ....... b - rip breaker comes in, breaks bird man's ribs 

c - someone spits out a heart, creates more space 

d - me not caring (kinda),       e - don't remember, new space creates by heart pass 

.f - hospital behind me is full, people entering ......... g - class in front of me, i'm facing the class 




.dream: quick shot practice .....c_b_low_r/uo\f_labels. 




.a - hallway    ..... b - hall door to my room 

c - halldoor to neighbor's room ..... d - me in my room 


.e - window between rooms     ...... f - neighbor 

g - quick shot direction .   ,....     score board .








.     2     32      3223      23     2232     3     223.  /





Wednesday, September 11, 2024

day sep




.horrible ////// bicycle     z???????_______.  BCK     HRB. 




,        ck B  B rh





.the time 


.established frameworks will always , most of thr tirm come first 


.........., ......., ......., .......,.......             emit eht  .



Monday, September 9, 2024

monday 09

monday 09





.dream: A 


.A - butterfly in a hospital, end dream 



.note: above butterfly image courtesy of '' and 'joypixels nine point zero',  

.grey lines added on ''




.wake up early


.soda - park - skatepark - jump 





.    4      34      3454534       3       53       5    33545     45      354    





Sunday, September 8, 2024

sunday 08

sunday 08




.dreams: ABCD



.A - in a house, second floor, no food, i'm married to a.s now, she's wearing jeans, 

end scene, 


.in a trailer, carrying a letter, mother has her own business now, she's at table in 

front of me, she's leaving, i have class at two pm, i leave trailer, 


.sliding around outside a house, slide up a ramp, entrance to house, i turn around, 

slide back down ramp, group of foreign guys up ahead, they're all talking, some 

guy said 'ana watashi wa' and now everyone says it, 


.table with posters, something about god and grammar and listening, end dream 



.a - second floor closet area, no food             b - friend's sister, a.s, we're married 

c - mother in trailer                     d - outside area                 e - ramp 


f - to inside house                        g - i turn around               h - foreign men 

i - poster by table 



.sliding around 

.signs by table 



.B - in a hospital, cube thing on table, i kill two bugs, end scene, 


.outside a building, k.r is absent, i grab skateboard and leave, end scene, 


.t.d in a classroom, he'll do good in the navy, end dream 



.dead bugs 




.C - refer to wordpress 









.D - enter a classroom, just came out of the bathroom, taking a test, i have to make up my 

own questions then answer them, i'm writing about the third to fifth stages of an air compressor, 

schematic is on my desk, 


.a.h is behind me on the right, he can't do this test, can't think of his own questions, end scene, 


.house from elementary school, basement, shovel and ice, a bbq party is supposed to go down, 

already eleven thirteen and no one here, i go upstairs, 


.brother at table, he's had a beer, empty beer can, end scene, 


.ladder down to water, a guy jumps down into water, throws something up onto pier, 

i climb up ladder, go right, guy climbs up ladder, goes left then right, guy kneels 

down by a small stone, he's overcome by emotion, 


.i have a similar small stone but am not new to this emotion, now my stone looks like 

a piece of meat, i move along, 


.in a room, some guy wants to check out some electronic box, i have to sign for him, 

guy signs and writes date, sep seven, i sign below his signature, end dream 



.a - taking a test i make up myself             b - shovel of ice 

c - yard outside                                 d - brother drank a beer 


e - water below                             f - me and guy looking at our stones 

g - i sign for a guy 



.compressor schematic 

.ladder scene 



.wake up






.i may be depressed 


.let september be a frugal month of saving and financial discipline 


.i may be incapable of depression 






.     7     17      1707017       1      01       0     77101      70       710    





Saturday, September 7, 2024

saturday 07

saturday 07




.dreams: ABCDE 



.A - at a table, c.h on my right, her leg touches the outside of my right thigh, k.s walks away, 

a.l on my left, i ask her about c.r, she's singing, 


.i'm making a sandwich, the third of four example sandwiches, end dream 



.a - the third of four example sandwiches     

b - front part, alternating meat and bread


c - middle piece, thick part of bread, three pieces of meat 

d - end bread piece 




.B - refer to wordpress 








.C - in a room, screens on three wall, i go over to only wall without a screen, calendar here, 

donkey animal, go over to a lady, take off her pants, she poops in her pants, shit dripping 

down her right leg, go over to other wall, 


.b.o appears, says she's left me three hundred ten dollars but her finances are not yet in order, i 

thank her, blue eyed finance guy appears, i trip him, he's now a figure on a table, i go back over 

to check on lady who pooped her pants, she's talking with someone by the fireplace, end dream 



.a - wall with no screens, calendar             b - entry into home 

c - donkey animal                                 d - lady who poops her pants 


e - b.o                                                 f - finance guy arrives 

g - i tackle finance guy, he becomes a figure on table 

h - check on lady who pooped her pants 



.room with screens on walls 



.calendar wall and lady with shit on right leg 




.finance guy becomes figurine on table 





.D - on a couch, a lady on the left greets me in arabic, i reply, lady leaves, polynesian guy comes 

over, bag of walnuts, end scene, 


.peeling an orange, throwing the peels in the toilet, i leave bathroom, wearing rugs and blankets, 

end dream 



.a - me on couch                     b - lady who greets me in arabic 

c - polynesian guy                   d - orange peels in toilet 

e - me with blankets and rugs on body 


. peels in toilet 




.E - playing volleyball, i suck, i leave, stroller in hall, my bike has fallen over, end dream 



.a - me on volleyball court             b - volleyball partner 

c - stroller in hall                            d - my bike fell down 

e - door to outside 





.wake up







.  8      48      4898948       4        94        9      44898      98      984    




Friday, September 6, 2024

friday 06

friday 06





.dreams: ABC


.A - in a room, korean lady on my left, korean guy on my right, the lady is talking, the guy 

leaves the room, end scene, 


.on a ferry boat, go over to gates mcfadden, the actress who played dr beverly crusher on 

star trek, someone says she made a lot of money, she responds by saying she spent a lot of 

money, end scene, 


.in a van in hawaii, riding in back, driving on a road, view of water on the left, a firemen's 

boat is in the water, large group of divers sitting on the beach, the divers are from china, 


.a door opens up in the van, someone in the back is talking to the doc in the front right, 

the doc says a hurricane is coming on friday, end dream 



.a - me                     b - guy who leaves                     c - lady talking 

d - ferry boat scene                 e - fireman boat                     f - chinese divers 

g - van on road in hawaii                     h - doc (d.w) in vac 



.hawaii scene 



.B - refer to wordpress 










.C - enter into apartment building, maintenance guy has c.e's skateboard, bigger wheels than 

mine, my wheels are white and smaller, c.e's wheels are grey and bigger, maintenance guy wants 

to merge the two boards, not working, 


.i'm at a table now with some skateboard parts, lady comes in, reminds me of c.l, 


.by a door now, a doctor is present, i say c.e had a flipper foot, that's why he could do such 

crazy skate tricks, doc examines my foot, end scene, 


.in a kitchen area, a guy is delivering a bag of corn chips, puts them in high cabinet, end scene, 


.in a house, shrimp, guy comes to door, tells mother he wants our shirmp, i take two shrimp and 

go to back kitchen counter, guy takes bag of shrimp, end scene, 


.house for rent by the park, walking with a lady in park, lady in front, i pass lady, lady behind, 

i cross the road, four cars go by before i can cross, enter garage of apartments, renovations, 

i jump up on a ledge, 'takes a lot of energy getting here' a guy says, end dream 



.a - maintenance guy with c.e's skateboard 

b - me at table, skateboard parts                 c - lady like c.l 


d - doc examining my leg by door              e - corn chips 

f - shrimp guy                                             g - mother 


h - me                                                          i - house for rent 

j - path in park                                             k - cross street 

l - parking garage 



.corn chips and shrimp 


.jumping up on ledge in parking garage, true color approximation 


.wake up







.    5       35       3565365        3        63        6      55636       56      365     




Thursday, September 5, 2024

thursday 05

thursday 05





.dreams ABC: 


.A - beach, an indigenous chanter comes between two hills and chanting, i loop around, i'm 

carrying a shovel, a tool i use, i stop, a gift giver arrives, she'll interact with the chanter, i 

run over to several blue men, end scene, 


.in an office, i jump over some desks, turn around, go back to a guy, he's offering up his credit card, 

i jump inside of him, some new credit line is formed, some other guy did the same thing, 

government agents, scandinavian children, end dream 


.beach scene 


.credit cards representing new financial system 





.B - talking with k.s, some event just ended, she invites me over to her house, end scene, 


.hotdog and curly fries, mustard only on the fries, end scene, 


.in a house, dog needs to pee, i take it outside, dog pees, go back inside, mother is awake now, 

i put leash and collar on shelf, end dream 


.hot dog and curly fries 


.dog collar and leash 




.C - refer to wordpress 






.wake up









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