Saturday, August 10, 2024

sat aug

 apparently its the tenth of august ... 




.dreamsČ two sets A and B


.A / private journal / grammar test / over and over again / limits creativity ... good for business i suppose 





.B in a fire house / firemanćs house, fire station, ićm taking a day off on the 13th, ićve got all the 

paper work in order / some other guy is doing the same as well after he sees what ićm doing, 


.a guy enters the room, dark blue navy utilities style pants .. i.m on the floor, door on my right, guy enters and goes to my left , end dream 





.a - firestation room ..... b - me on floor against wall ...... c - tv off ...... d - bunk bed


e - door to hallway and other rooms ...... f - guy who entered room and is taking same day off as 

me, he decided on this day after i filled out the paper work (administrative responsibilities )



.day off paper work form 



.  .


.wake up


.community activities day / skateboard


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