Friday, August 30, 2024

friday 30

friday 30





.dreams: ABCD 



.A - enter into a classroom, pee in a tall urinal, leave, end scene, 


.walking outside, police dogs, end scene 


.enter an art classroom, want to draw on something, go to back left corner, get some papers, 

someone holding a green painting, some lady signs it in blue, another lady signs it in blue, person 

holding painting wants some of it to stay green, end dream 



.green painting signed in blue 




.B - two helicopters land, now i'm talking to two military guys, i ask guy on the right about a 

pin on his shirt, he says it's a medical pin, end scene, 


.walking on sidewalk, people and dog, other dog shakes by me, shakes again, end scene, 


.in a cramped room, looking at papers on counter that look like the wall design, guy comes by me, 

i touch his leg, he gets all worked up, goes behind me, my butt flexes, end scene, 


.leave a classroom, go down hall, enter room, go to toilet, pee, k.p enters room, needs to pee, says 

he'll pee on me, i tell him to pee in sink, he seems to do so, i finish peeing, dark blue navy poopy 

suit uniform is wet, i take it off, 


.two women enter room, seem to be setting up for a haircut, i take off a brown raincoat, take off 

another one, coats are wet, end dream 



.toilet, sink, wet clothes 




.C - refer to wordpress 







.D - making some painting on a computer, grandpa comes over, takes over painting, end scene, 


.grandma is putting corn in the over, three ears of corn on a tray, two or three trays, end scene, 


.in a room, stuff on the floor, unnecessary stuff, juicy fruit gums wrappers, bottles of bubbles, 

this stuff can go away, i'll donate it, end dream 



.computer painting and grandma's corn on oven tray 


.wake up



.       8      38        3898398      3       93        9      38893     89      398      





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