Saturday, August 3, 2024

friday 02

,friday 02







.A - i move past a museum, shower, ... don't remember, cars on road or something 


.a - museum ...... b - cylindrical platform ........ c - movement of pile of clothes, red patient scrubs 
.d - shower nozzle, i try to turn on, some other person steps in and turns it on 
.e - don't remember, no idea, forgot my abbreviations 
.image below: shower pillar detail 
.B three dream set 

.Ba a - me in the back of a submarine engine room ...... b - casualty occurs ....... c - i climb up ladder 
.Bb d - me watching tv, other people behind me, topic of show is chinese president xi jing ping 
. e - lady comes into room ....... f - lady makes tv go blurry, bummer 
.Bc g - me walking outside my apartment building, just finished smoking, holding a partially smoked, 
.hand rolled cigarette, not burning ........ h - other people smoking outside, 
.i - skateboard in dark glass door, broken glass 


.C - buildings 


.,.. ,

.a - i leave a side building ....... b, c - trying to have sex with lady in tan pants, penetration difficult, my 

hands are busy doing something ............ d - three guys sleeping in larger building, i leave room ....

e - me ...... f - i leave room, enter larger space of big building 


.g - young lady sleeping alone in large bed .......... h - me peeing in toilet ....... i - man and woman having 

sex under blanket, missionary position (approved of by god and country) 

j - sex finishes, i finish peeing, i head back the way i came, a young girl appears, 


k - apple bush with little green apples 



.wake up 


.outside writing day 



abcdefghijklmnopq rstuvwxyz ,,, 


.dear kathryn hahn, please tell mr jimmy kimmel to extend his vacation 





.   5     25     252      552      52     525      2 




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