Saturday, August 31, 2024

saturday 31

saturday 31





.dreams: ABC 



.A - refer to wordpress 










.B - heaviest man to ever play professional baseball at six hundred fifteen pounds, two hundred 

seventy nine kilos, maybe two hundred sixty something, end scene, 


.enter into a basement comic shop, some guy has some items out on a table, i leave area, 


.watching a movie, holding a small flashlight, buildings, red door, a naked guy goes up to door, a 

naked lady opens door, a sex orgy ensues, song lyrics 'deep sea diving, deep sea diving on you', 


.some guy spits cum on another guy's face, end dream 



.heaviest pro baseball player 



.red door and sex orgy 





.C - trailer, water damage, far wall blows out, smoke, end scene, 


.in a restaurant, order a drink, fruity yoghurt drinks, blue berries, red berries, i drink the 

blue one, end scene, 


.in a room, lady and a lion approaches, lion is friendly, end dream 



.water damage in trailer, fruity yoghurt drinks, lion 




.wake up 







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Friday, August 30, 2024

friday 30

friday 30





.dreams: ABCD 



.A - enter into a classroom, pee in a tall urinal, leave, end scene, 


.walking outside, police dogs, end scene 


.enter an art classroom, want to draw on something, go to back left corner, get some papers, 

someone holding a green painting, some lady signs it in blue, another lady signs it in blue, person 

holding painting wants some of it to stay green, end dream 



.green painting signed in blue 




.B - two helicopters land, now i'm talking to two military guys, i ask guy on the right about a 

pin on his shirt, he says it's a medical pin, end scene, 


.walking on sidewalk, people and dog, other dog shakes by me, shakes again, end scene, 


.in a cramped room, looking at papers on counter that look like the wall design, guy comes by me, 

i touch his leg, he gets all worked up, goes behind me, my butt flexes, end scene, 


.leave a classroom, go down hall, enter room, go to toilet, pee, k.p enters room, needs to pee, says 

he'll pee on me, i tell him to pee in sink, he seems to do so, i finish peeing, dark blue navy poopy 

suit uniform is wet, i take it off, 


.two women enter room, seem to be setting up for a haircut, i take off a brown raincoat, take off 

another one, coats are wet, end dream 



.toilet, sink, wet clothes 




.C - refer to wordpress 







.D - making some painting on a computer, grandpa comes over, takes over painting, end scene, 


.grandma is putting corn in the over, three ears of corn on a tray, two or three trays, end scene, 


.in a room, stuff on the floor, unnecessary stuff, juicy fruit gums wrappers, bottles of bubbles, 

this stuff can go away, i'll donate it, end dream 



.computer painting and grandma's corn on oven tray 


.wake up



.       8      38        3898398      3       93        9      38893     89      398      





Thursday, August 29, 2024

thursday 29

thursday 29


.dreams: ABCD


.A - driving a truck, pull away from a house, loop around to the right, put truck in reverse, 

back up a bit, back in first gear, go into a garage, cousin behind me, uncle in front of me, 

some red reverse mechanism is up on the right, i grab red mechanism, go in reverse, shaky, 


.cousin puts something in the back of truck, examining the red reverse mechanism, a bit off 

balance, the cross bar isn't set up right, uncle shows me the proper way to go in reverse, i 

try it out, right shoulder pops into place, right arm is now straight, end dream 



.driving truck, red reverse mechanism in garage, gears on stick shift 




.B - bent over one arm dumbbell rows, end scene, 


.shower liquids, i'm to write some thesis, the shampoo and soap get used together, end scene, 


.enter into apartment building, cell phone in mail box, i grab phone, loop around to right, people, 

we go into office, some lady has a bunch of calendars of my daily activities, i'm on some kind of 

vitamin from an insect, end dream 



.box of calendars and name of insect vitamin 




.C - in guest room from house from highschool, radio is on, i've found a good station, i'll 

keep the radio here and match it to my blue duffle bag, n.s is on the couch, i go outside, 

end scene, 


.in driveway of house from highschool, looking at trees, bird sounds, i look for the birds, three 

crows fly by, i follow them, a group of about six skateboarders comes out from the forest, i 

fly up over them, kick one guy lightly in the helmet with my right foot, 


.grab the skateboard of the biggest guy, check it out, give it back to guy, skateboard got heavier, 

i grab it again, check the wheels, give it back to guy, he says i messed it up a bit, 


.a guy and his girlfriend want to have sex, ask for a good spot to do so, i clear a spot in the forest, 

the three of us go into little room, lady goes behind me on right, she turns into a rose pedal 

bracelet, guy is in front of me on left, i put the rose pedal bracelet on my thigh, end scene, 


.in a dentist's office, holding some kind of dental skull model with red rubber tubing wrapped 

all around it, guy on my right wants my pen, i tell him no, there's already two pens by him, 

one is out of ink, i try and put the other pen insert into a pen, then i try and unwrap the 

red tubing from the skull model, end dream 




.radio station, rose pedal bracelet, dental skull with red tubing 


.D - on a kind of raised outdoor parking lot of a building, door inside, two guys talking about 
.religion in a slavic language, 'ROGALI' they keep saying, i move past, go to elevator, end scene, 
.side room of house from high school, cat, i pet it, it goes under my left arm, i let cat outside, strange 
.animal on porch, 'a minx' someone says, cat and minx interact, end scene, 
.grocery store parking lot, newspapers, crayon, one left, i already took two, go over to jeep, used 
.crayons inside, a party car drives by, end dream 
.cat and minx on porch 


.wake up






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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

wednesday 28

wednesday 28





.dreams: ABC 


.A - tv, friend's brothers a.k and b.k on tv, sexual ending, end scene, 


.in mother's bedroom, tv on, i'm eating rice and fish, turn off tv, spill some rice and fish by tv, 

grab a tissue to clean it up, end dream 



.rice and fish by tv 




.B - Ba - walking in a dorm type area, my bed is gone, go down some stairs, go into a mall, 

find the guy i'm looking for, we enter into a kind of sports dome, stairs down, stairs up, ramps up, 

turning right, i use the hand rail on my right to assist me, 


.get to top of dome, sliding down now, still turning right, sliding down with the one guy and one 

or two other women, end scene, 


.Bb - park my car, indoor basketball game, people just standing around like they're stunned, i 

wake them up a bit, take a shot, miss, game over, sitting in a circle, group stretching, seems to 

be going nowhere, i get up, go to bathroom, 


.enter stall, no toilet hole, go to stall on the left, yes toilet hole, pee in hole in ground, car visible 

outside, underground, beat up, exit bathroom, people still stretching, i stand in hallway, stretching 

ends, running outside, running up hill, looking for my car,


.enter a kind of library storage area, two guys talking, i jump over the same table a few times, 

can't find my car, leave, go back down hill a bit, lady in a room, 


.she's at a computer with a large plate of sour gummy worms in front of her, i ask about my car, 

she mentions the transportation authority officer, asks if i have the authority to talk to the 

transportation officer, end scene, 


.Bc - lake in the distance, people emerge from the lake riding large dogs, these people 

riding dogs are referred to as dolphins, 


.in a van, van is moving, i have a two part wire, some guy takes it, i want it back, get the top 

half, can't find the bottom half, end dream 



.sports dome 




.a - bed gone ....... b - stairs down ........ c - mall area ........ d - guy i'm looking for ...... 

e - enter sports dome ...... f - stairs down ........ g - stairs up ........ h - ramps up ........ 

i - top part of dome ........ j - sliding down 



.lady at computer with sour gummy worms 



.lost wire scene 




.C - in a room, holding a yellow video game controller, two guys up against wall in front of me, 

video game controller shoots leaves, i shoot one over to wall on left, go over and point to it, 


.some guy enters room, aggressive, goes over to the two guys and has a razor, i take the razor from 

him, put two razors on back left table, 


.the controller has a three d printer and can print out another copy of itself, i'm trying to get 

the controller to print out another controller, three program options on screen, 


.g.s enters room, grabs my right thumb and won't let go, 

i fall down on top of him, 


.he can't get up, my body weight is holding him down, end dream 



.video game controller that shoots leaves 




.wake up










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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

tuesday 27

tuesday 27





.dreams: ABCD


.A - in the forest, standing watch at the rear gate, military uniform, group of people runs past me 

from behind, i follow them, turn around, large concrete truck, men with shovels, end scene, 


.in k.r's house, peanut butter on floor has been eaten from, i have a sandwich with me, give it 

to k.r, he goes out into hall, a bird eats the sandwich, i go back into room, looking through drawers, 

biscuits, i eat one, end dream 



.rear gate in forest and men with shovels at concrete truck 




.B - steep downhill, dirt and rocks, two people run down past me, r.t and someone else, i go over and 

pull two heavy green vines off from side of hill, i'll eat them later, climb up, go back down for 

my two bags, climb back up, someone helps me up onto top area, ... don't remember, ... end dream 



.steep hill of dirt and rocks 




.C - in my apartments, lower level, go into elevator, teacher from elementary school, p.i, elevator goes 

up and makes a turn, in a library talking with p.i, she leaves, goes down some stairs, i go into door, 

other elevator, lady dog, other dog, end scene, 


.military guys riding snowboards on steep mountain, one guy almost falls down cliff, end scene, 


.in the corner of a room, i just wrote a letter, paper clips and yellow folder, i go over to where some 

radio show is being broadcast, end dream 



.elevators and library 




.D - in mother's bedroom, g.h on table, action figures, i use one of mine to make a comment, 

use the other one to attack, action figure fight, lego helicopter takes off, seems to crash behind 

my back, end scene, 


.in a room, a robot head man wants to buy a computer for four hundred dollars, some 

computer system link is established, never been done before, end dream 



.action figures, lego helicopter, robot head man, computer 



.robot head man 


.wake up




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