Monday, July 1, 2024

monday 01

monday 01







.A: ...



.a - bathroom                         b - toilet                         c - sink 

d - people waking up 

e - sleeping area                    f - my bed and cubby hole area 



.image below: toilet and yellow ribbons in sink after flushing 





.B: english classroom, i'm handed back three of my papers with corrections on them, everyone 

else corrects their papers, teacher comes to collect my papers, i didn't do the corrections yet, 

end scene, 


.walking up a ramp, about to catch a flight from turkey to germany, enter into an ambulance, 

laguna beach guys enter, start causing trouble, i thumb wrestle a guy, end dream 



.a - me in english classroom                             b - door to hall

c - teacher                                                         d - me in back of ambulance 

e - 'laguna beach' guys 

f - thumb wrestle 



.image below: papers from english class and thumb wrestle 





.C: private lesson on the north pole, end scene 


. ... 



.a - me in classroom                         b - door to hall 

c - table, tutor lady                           d - image of north pole in text book 


e - n.s's dining room 

f - me at table                                   g - guy touches my drink 

h - doorway to kitchen 



.image below: north pole and rice noodles (kale)





.D: in a room, swimming pool covered in blankets, fish in pool, lady comes up to me with a 

special power medicine, i drink it, 


.a robot wolf dog is biting the fingers on my left hand, i finally get it to stop, i feed the 

robot wolf dog some doggie treats, end dream 



.a - swimming pool with blankets     

b - fish                                 c - lady with power medicine 

d - robot wolf dog bites my left hand 

e - doorway 



.image below: fish in swimming pool, power medicine and robot wolf dog 





.E: military barracks, shit on walkway, i'm in a rolling chair, start to clean up the shit, 


.brick wall inside with a hole and putty, shit, clean, k.p enters, mentions his wiener, says 

i'm goofy radical, end dream 



.a - outdoor walkway by military barracks 

b - enter into room                         c - brick wall with hole and putty 


d - shit

e - trash can outside                       f - guy working in planter box 

g - k.p 



.image below: brick wall with hole and putty 





.wake up







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