Sunday, June 30, 2024

sunday 30

sunday 30











.a - walking outside, dark                             b - guy appears, my vision returns 

c - going back to house 


d - in house, people                                      e - talking about sun set and angle of sun 

f - walking with people 

g - brother in orange hat 



.image below: orange hat 


.a - take tape off my testicles                     b - english paper
.c - eight man bicycle                                d - outside 
.e - parade                                                  f - two people recognize me 
.g - guy wants my camera                          h - fly under bridge 
.i - back in building                                    j - electronic device, stylus, pizza man 
.k - pro skater andrew reynolds                  l - garbage can nose stall 
.image below: eight man bicycle, electronic device with stylus 
.image below: north carolina pizza man on device 
.a - second floor of large concrete building 
b - me and homeless guy                         c - secret back area 
.d - lady and large mirror                         e - homeless guy will get razor and shave 
.f - sink, i turn off                                     g - guy talking about africa 
.h - same guy as a sportscaster being choked by three men 
.i - sports on tv 
.image below: sink i turn off and sportscaster being choked 
.F (nap dream): news notes, late, gummy candy 
.wake up
.walk outside 


.    8        78      7898978       7        97       9     87797     89       798   





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