Tuesday, July 2, 2024

tuesday 02

tuesday 02







.A: coming back from camping, need to pee 



.a - car, me and aunt and brother and mother 

b - brother gets his tents                             c - tents in backpack with lock 

d - skatepark 


e - i exit car

f - car loops around                                    

g - i jump up on and over car, get my skateboard from the back 

h - walk down dirt hill                                 i - about to pee 



.image below: backpack with lock, tents inside 





.                https://dddurb6r.wordpress.com/2024/07/02/dream-02-jul-2024/




.C: in a house, about to do my homework, ... ... , 


.driving my car in macy's, moving map of UW, down stairs, person, escalator up, 


rev my car real hard, my car drives up in front of me and a mini car appears at top of escalator, 

i'm still in my normal car and go up escalator at normal speed, 


.the little mini car is now always one step in front of me, outside the macy's now, slushy snow 

ramp up, the mini car at top of snow ramp is now a dog, some lady says something, end dream 



.a - in a house, about to do homework 

b - outside                                     c - plumbing truck 


d - in my car, camera                    e - right turn, i'm driving in car for rest of dream 

f - driving on wrong side of road 

g - cinder blocks, drive over them 


h - inside a macy's store                i - driving back way i came 

j - UW map, moving map 

k - going down stairs, person coming up stairs in green shirt 


l - main doors                               m - escalator up inside 

n - mini car appears 

o - slushy snow ramp up outside 

p - mini car becomes a dog 



.image below: camera in my car 



.image below: driving, cinder blocks 



.image below: person coming up stairs 



.image below: car, mini car and dog 



.wake up






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