Saturday, July 27, 2024

saturday 27

 saturday 27


.manic episode waning, returning to standard reality, tiding up apartment, preparing for monday's 

cockroach inspection (building wide cockroach inspection) , 


.daily events: run outside, one large notebook, walk in park, park event, groceries, recycle 










.a - my path - ....... b - a.h, stationary  - ....... c - doorway - ....... ca - inside - ...... cb - outside 

d - path of h.ç.  - ....... e - some guy sitting in corner ...... x- *





.a - vacuum cleaner fitting adjustment ........ b - doorway  ....... c - my path ..... d - someone's path, don't remember     ..... x- *





.CA - a - two doorways, me by river, blowing smoke ...... b - doorway leading to river ......

c - other doorway ...... 

.CB - d - person from mongolia dressed in red with big lips ..... e - me about to taekwondo kick, 

(training kick, non-malicious)     ..... f - mirror 


.* x - electronic assist dreams 









. kleki is not working on my computer and i'm furious ... 


.    3     23     2373273      2      73 237273273. 777 222 3. error error <<<<<robot error<<<<<



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